“A designer’s role is to facilitate the transition from an idea to a tangible product.”

Elevating Your Vision

The aim of our design process is to offer creative solutions that not only address each point of a brief, but also bring to the product additional, unexpected features.

discover, create, iterate.

This method enables us to address both the explicit requirements and the underlying opportunities to innovate beyond the initial scope of the project.
The pursuit of innovation doesn't compromise the brief's essence. Instead, we showcase its impact through clever interpretations and surprising discoveries.

By stirring emotions and curiosity, our aim is to not only meet the requirements but also exceed expectations.

Collaboration is crucial in this process. We work closely with clients to integrate their ideas seamlessly with our own. By incorporating their unique perspectives, we create a design that goes beyond just meeting their needs. We form a connection that surpasses the roles of client and creator. Together, we craft a final composition that captures authenticity and surpasses expectations.

RESEARCH and mood board

The first steps after accepting a brief are:

  • market analysis and research, where I dive deep into what exists in the space we are targeting, within the parameters of our project. I will study the trends and identify the elements that drive the success of the best products in that sector.

  • mood board, where the first hints of colours and shapes begin to appear. Mood boards ar every conceptual pieces of work where inspiration can be drawn from images of various nature, from landscpes to products, from pieces of materials to written concepts.

design concept

The next steps are:

  • definition of USP (unique selling points), additional functional elements, which add to the main purpose of a product and differentiate it from others on the market.

  • concept generation, when I put pen to paper for the first time. The purpose of this step is to delineate three different interpretations of the brief, generally tiered in basic, mid and aspirational. The concepts only exist in a basic sketch or 3D model form, at this point, with the purpose of maintaining an efficient workflow, and discussing the progress with the client, before committing to any design direction.

  • first concept presentation, where I present and discuss all the work done so far with the client.

design development

In this phase, we focus on:

  • CAD development of the slelected concepts, inlcuding photorealistic renderings to communicate every detail and feature of the design.

  • Selection of materials, colours and finishes in relation to the specific design.

  • 3D printing scale models of the designs.

  • Technical development of all the engineering solutions required for the manufacturing of the first prototypes and samples.

  • Samples review, either in person or online, with detailed feedback documentation, noting all the changes required for the next sample.

  • Collaborating with manufacturers to ensure the design intent is correctly executed, all the way from prototypes to production. A large part of this work happens at the factory, where iterations can happen quickly and efficiently, ensuring the best possible outcome for both client and supplier.